
A New Path to the Stone Age

About Me… February 25, 2012

I have always been interested in Primitive Cultures and Primitive Living Skills.  As a kid I was always making bows and arrows, spears and boomerangs.  Visiting museums and Native American ruins was always an exciting adventure for me.  I spent a lot of time hiking with my brother and now I spend time sharing that joy with my own family, my wife and two wonderful daughters.  When I have time I enjoy flintknapping, carving, making cordage, and doing other various primitive crafts.  With this site I hope to share my crafts and adventures with you.

Mark Desrosiers


4 Responses to “About Me…”

  1. Dad Says:

    Nice enjoyed looking at it thanks

  2. Nolan Says:

    Do you happen to know if the gabrielleno/kizh/tongva were foragers, or horticulturalists or what?

    Thanks. I live in their area, and I am also interested in their culture.

    • Pretty sure they were hunters/gatherers, I guess you could call them foragers. They hunted deer, and smaller animals, and foraged in the oceans for seals, otters, shellfish etc. They gathered acorns and other plants for eating. thanks for the post.

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